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Publicado: 05 Feb 2006 17:26
por Altair
Audioslave escribió:
Leon_Kennedy escribió:malas noticias chicos en la ultima entrevista sobre RE5 anunciaron que todavia ni se empeso a hacer nada

tambien afirman que tardarian como 3 hasta 5 años en terminarlo

no es broma ni joda es la cruel verdad
:shock: a mi realmente me viene bien ya que me faltan por jugar el code veronica,el 4,outbreak 1 y 2, remake, el cero..me perdi estos titulos por no poder comparme un ps2 :x pero cuando en marzo me compre el 3 :lol:
uuuuuuuuuuuuu amigo te faltan demaciados en cuanto yo estoy muy triste :cry: por la razon de que el unico que me falta jugar es el outbreak 2 y que hare despues jugar :!: ping pong :!:

Publicado: 05 Feb 2006 19:16
por Dianne_croft
Leon_Kennedy escribió:malas noticias chicos en la ultima entrevista sobre RE5 anunciaron que todavia ni se empeso a hacer nada

tambien afirman que tardarian como 3 hasta 5 años en terminarlo

no es broma ni joda es la cruel verdad

shitttttttttttt,,,,,,,espero que esta gran espera ,,valga la pena,,,,,,,,,,ya quero ver a mi chris :lol: :lol:

Publicado: 05 Feb 2006 19:54
por Durazno
dianne croft escribió:
Leon_Kennedy escribió:malas noticias chicos en la ultima entrevista sobre RE5 anunciaron que todavia ni se empeso a hacer nada

tambien afirman que tardarian como 3 hasta 5 años en terminarlo

no es broma ni joda es la cruel verdad

shitttttttttttt,,,,,,,espero que esta gran espera ,,valga la pena,,,,,,,,,,ya quero ver a mi chris :lol: :lol:
Por eso recomendaria que en vez de este post haya un PostIt del RE4 de PC que esta mas proximo a salir que el RE5 (si es que asi es).

Publicado: 05 Feb 2006 20:27
por Lyan
pero durante la lectura sobre esta desagradable noticia lei que Mikami tendria guardado algo

ademas es oficial lo de que RE5 no saldra en revolution pero no significa que no salgan otras entregas de este juego para esta consola

Publicado: 05 Feb 2006 20:32
por Durazno
Leon_Kennedy escribió:pero durante la lectura sobre esta desagradable noticia lei que Mikami tendria guardado algo

ademas es oficial lo de que RE5 no saldra en revolution pero no significa que no salgan otras entregas de este juego para esta consola
Seguro lo sakan para la revo a los 2 años de la salida oficial para ps3, xbx

Publicado: 06 Feb 2006 02:14
por Nexus6
Hola a todos

Segun un amigo me a dicho ke leyó en una revista ke RE5 si estas mucho tiempo al sol te puedes desidratar :o

Esta confirmado ese rumor¿?



Publicado: 06 Feb 2006 02:27
por Lyan
no hay datos oficiales del juego asique no se puede confirmar

Publicado: 06 Feb 2006 17:44
por Love Shocker
Aunque no saquen el RE5 para la revo yo no afirmaria tajantemente que no vaya ha haber RE para la revo sobre todo tras lo contentos que han quedado con las opciones ofrecidas por la DS en este ultimo RE, las posibilidades quer tenga la revo pueden ser explotadas en otros Re por Capcom.

Publicado: 06 Feb 2006 18:28
por Andreuxo Oliveira
Capaz que hagan un remake del RESURVIVOR.. jaja...
Nose eh, pero yo pienso que igual va a salir RE5.. de otra manera, pero con la misma historia.

Publicado: 07 Feb 2006 04:59
por Hose_dono
De aquí a 5 años todo puede pasar, así q eso de q RE5 no salga para la REVO me tiene sin cuidado.

Y eso de si estas mucho tiempo al sol te deshidratas sería añadir más realismo a la saga ya q de eso se trata de un SURVIVAL horror. Ah y más les vale q el Horror regrese a RE5.


Publicado: 07 Feb 2006 22:28
por Durazno
YO les cuento la historia de RE5.

Viene Chris Gayfield en su jeep 3x3.

Chocka un Zombie

Ze cae del jeep.

Un zombie lo muerde.

Chris le pega al zombie.


Vienen 4 zombies mas.

Se comen a chris.

-------Fin de RE5 ---------


Migatito Orinawa
Mekomo Chinchulin
Yojuego Chinchon
Chakataka Morikata


Publicado: 07 Feb 2006 23:26
por Hunk the mercenary
bueno ojala tengo un modo tipo mercenarios el RE5 y tambien q salga lo mas pronto posible y se revelen nuevas cosas y se hagan mas misterios

Publicado: 08 Feb 2006 01:47
Hose_dono escribió:Ah y más les vale q el Horror regrese a RE5.

yo diria que lo MAS IMPORTANTE es que Capcom resuelva los cabos sueltos que quedaron en esos seis años del RE3 y CV al RE4 ¿no lo crees?

Publicado: 08 Feb 2006 01:51
por Redfield
No es por faltar al respeto ni nada x el estilo, pero Aerith, creo q ya nos ha qdado bastante claro q en el proximo juego kieres q se resuelvan los enigmas, mas q nada, xq lo has repetido en tu ultima centena de mensajes q llevas posteados. Esta bien q des tu opinion, como todo el mundo, pero no la misma repetida infinidad de veces.

Nos vemos :wink:

pues apenas me encontre esto...

Publicado: 09 Feb 2006 01:38
por chrisredfield01
en el foro de capcom europe nada mas que esta en ingles, alguien lo podria traducir por fas:

Warning: Very long Post. (To avoid the story, skip to IMPROVEMENTS part)

What I would like to see in RE5: (all based on ideas that could improve RE4)

The Intro Stroy:
Ada delivered the "Plagas" container to Wesker and then disappears. Based in a location deep in the heart of a main city in Europe (like London or somewhere) Wesker has used the last of Umbrellas profits into making 1 more secret lab. In RE4, you caught small scenes of Wesker ordering Ada to achieve her mission etc. The room he's in is very sophisticated. That is his final lab (well communication room anyway).

His dreams of the rebirth of Umbrella continue. He (and his scientists) combine the Plagas DNA with the T and/or G virus (or whatever other virus people want to see cause havoc) in hopes of making a B.O.W that has the "collective" abilities of the Plagas. As mentioned in RE4 during one of the "notes" Luis writes, it states that the Plagus has (unconfirmed) collective abilities. They adapt to live together like ants and unlike other parasites.

Many tests and many months pass by, eventually they successfully breed the first B.O.W Plagas. Then they breed another and test to see if they would work together in "community". After a dozen or so B.O.W's are made, signs of collective thinking are seen.

Wesker orders more devistating creatures to be made. His lab is expanded. Hundreds of B.O.Ws are created and observed and eventually destroyed.
This continues for a few more years.

With new genetic techniques and more biological research, Wesker manages to find some rather useful medical products. He offers these products to the world. Now rich, his corporation rises from the ashes. A new Umbrella is born.

Though Americans distrust for Umbrella for all the illegal things it was doing, Wesker under a "cloak" identity (a identity he uses in public) offered the world medical treatments such as the cure for cancer, an anti-aging pill etc. Gaining faith in the public eye.

The U.S president announces to the world a global "policing" of all Umbrella. Due to the recent past and the evidence agains't Umbrella, the rest of the world agrees with the U.S president (hah! as if that would really happen in real life...) and new laws and bills are passed throughout the globe stating that ALL medical research facilities, Umbrella or no, are to be policed.

With all this happening, Wesker feels he needs to "recruit" more security help. Searching over hundreds of candidates, all from various backgrounds (police/military/covert ops etc) he finds some people he considers adequate. Kidnapping a dozen or so people (or perhaps just straight up hiring) and brain washing them all. He creates a group of covert soldiers.

Using the techniques in making the B.O.W's, he alters his soldiers (simular to Krauser) giving them advanced abilities. However, some of them mutate into creatures of uncontrollable mutation and are destroyed. Various strength tests and speed tests of the survivors surpass even for what he had hoped. (This soldier squad, are the characters you will play during the game. Including Wesker)

After the successful rebirth of Umbrella, the success of the Plaga-Virus in 40% of test subjects (or some other stupid number lol) Wesker orders the destruction of all B.O.Ws excluding his personal Death squad.

Sensing their death is approaching for all their kind, the B.O.Ws collective abilities and "ant" like community rise up. Keeping most of their strength hidden from the eyes of their makers during their tests, they somehow knew this day would come. They break out of their lab environments. Killing all in their path, slaughtering scientists all over the place.

The A.I of the lab quickly responds and shuts off all exit routes. Also closing off all access routes from the lab to the main control area where Wesker and his squad are. A level 10 security lockdown takes place, life support is shut down throughout the lab.

This time, RE takes place from the eyes of Wesker and his squad. With only the guns they carry, the ammo they have and NO herbs, can they survive an army of B.O.Ws that Wesker created.

The game path:
The game will start in this particular Umbrella lab. The B.O.Ws will find a way to escape and cause chaos in the city above. A nuke won't fix this problem, in fact, it would probably start an international nuke fest.


1: This game must have more than 2 characters playable.
2: Setting should be somewhere big, like a huge city. Somewhere where the whole world can see. For example: Moscow or Paris.
3: I reckon this time round, we play as the "bad" guys. For example: We get to play as Wesker or perhaps another one of his "recruits" simular to Krauser.
4: The story continues a handful of years after RE4.
5: Better combat system. While keeping guns in the game, I want to see more "military" styles of melee attacks. For example: breaking an enemies arms or knee caps making them less effective in a fight.
6: More realistic damage. For example: a shot to the ribs won't do much to the enemy but a shot to the leg would effectivly slow their walking speed or cause them to start crawling. Also, a swinging iron star mace to the head would kill any normal man.
7: More different kinds of enemies and bosses. For example: I liked in RE, the giant snake and spider, plant 42 and neptune. And hunters! All of which are completely different from each other. In RE4, there are 3 types, Man, Dog and Bug.
8: Bigger badder weapons. While sticking with the basics, I want to see some more devistating weapons but yet realistic. For example: the Barrett XM-109 Sniper Rifle.
9: Old special unlockables. For example: a key to a door that has alot of great stuff like costumes or upgrades for weapons.
10: Change "mercenary" or "extra" missions so they don't include a timer. For example: in RE4, the mercenary missions had you running around killing enemies with a time limit you could increase by collecting the "timer" tokens. I enjoyed killing Gandos with Wesker so much that I am gutted when time runs out. I say change it to a "fight till you die" gametype.
11: I want to see an enemy "type" attack another enemy "type". For example: a Man type enemy (zombie or gando etc) wouldn't exactly befriend a Bug type. If they saw each other, they would probably want to eat each other.
12: Bigger "maps" with higher buildings. Lots and lots of buildings that can be entered.
13: The ability to "hide" and "escape". In RE4, I don't think there was one instance where I could run away from a gando and hide behind a house. They always knew where I was. Shadows and such should play a role in the next game.
14: Realistic movement. The ability to crouch and crawl. To jump etc.
15: Since we're playing the bad guys this time. I want the ability to morph parts of the body. For example: like Krausers arm.

Gameplay would be simular to RE4 with various improvements as listed above. Some of them explain themselves but I'll explain some of them anyway:

For 3: The whole reason I want to play as the bad guys is because EVERYONE (including myself) has somewhat a respect for Wesker in the fact that his character started the whole RE series. And the fact we have no real solid insight to him or his ideals and backgrounds. Consider RE5 as a tribute to him if you will.

For 5: Each character has more than just 2 melee moves, they would have 12 each. You have 4 main buttons, Triangle/Square/X/Circle, and 3 "stun" positions enemies can be in, Standing/Kneeling/Lying. Shoot an enemy in the head, get close enough, the word "Strike!" or something simular appears on screen, push either of the 4 buttons to perform a devistating move. Each button does different moves in the different enemy positions.

For 13: I just want to have the ability to be able to run away from a zombie, and hide behind a corner or in a shadow so he can't find me. Then he just wanders off. This would be an awesome ballance idea if heaps of zombies are following you, like 50 of them.

For 15: Krausers arm and Weskers punch are just awesome. These to me are just awesome looking and powerful. The characters in this game should have something along the lines of Krausers arm. Perhaps one of them could morph their leg and deliver a devistating anti-group kick that shreads them all. And another could morph their arm, growing it in physical strength and grab an enemy and crush them. Just some ideas.

Anyway, I just registered to put my ideas forward. Hope you like them

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